Companyia General Càrnia is participant in the “Plan de Desenvolupament Rural de Catalunya” (Catalonia’s countryside development plan) as part of our commitment to our rural community. Together with the continued collaboration with the beef and lamb farmers in the territory, we take this participation as a tool to strengthen our rural social and economic environment, making it sustainable at the long term.
Social responsibility is one of Càrnia’s main values.
We support various social projects working to combat gender discrimination, child malnutrition and inequality of opportunity for children and teenagers.
To help our female workers with their work-life balance during the early stages of motherhood, we subsidise a daycare service near our plant on the Mercabarna site.
An organisation whose mission is to fight food waste and hunger by distributing food among people who need of it.
www.bancdelsaliments.orgA non-profit institution developing and leading social projects in the Verdún and Roquetas districts of Barcelona, helping vulnerable individuals and families.
www.paremanel.orgA non-profit organisation involved in social initiatives and spare-time education for children and teenagers. It particularly concentrates on fighting exclusion and promoting equality of opportunity for at-risk social groups.
www.peretarres.orgSimphonie schools grant quality education for children ranging from 4 months of life up to 3 years targeting work-life balance for their parents.
A worldwide organisation consisting of more than 20 chambers of commerce, its mission is to connect and empower businesswomen, helping them develop their businesses and promote them internationally.
www.iwecfoundation.orgAn association of business and professional women whose main aim is to provide a voice to express the opinions and concerns of civil society as well as providing visibility for women in the business world. It participates very actively in the struggle for gender equality and the combating of workplace discrimination.